And then I woke up, and I was thinking that all was well in the world – but where was my friend? He had run along the beach looking for fossils. Had a dinosaur found him? Did he make it home or did he go for a swim. Oh where is he?
Happily? Swimming with the fishes and the crustaceans and cetaceous, dreaming of the piece-peace.
Further up the coast a large wooden chest washed up on the shore. A man dragged the chest inland. Poking out of a crack in the chest was the fabric of my friend’s shirt.
The man could hear the sound of breathing – a long inhale and then a long exhale out, as if from a person sleeping.
The chest opens up and black hole sucks you in where you find a maze of lanes to explore.

When a flying cat suddenly appears
Gesturing for you to follow!
Mr Kennedy said “ What the Gothic!?” and joined the Shurbins at Central Lees concert. They happily read George Orwell’s 1984.
And here we find ourselves once again. Wondering, pondering: What does it mean?
I am bad
I am dad.
Don’t eat the apples.
Be careful.
Stick Man in the woods.
“Hi guys, do you like Sunshine?”
You are my sunshine.
Today needs to begin!
But don’t wait – just enjoy now!
Quick, the boat is slipping her lines shortly. I am not sure the skipper knows where to go. Do you have an idea?
Let’s go over the hill and far away.
But where is the dog? Did you leave him behind?
No of course not – he’s got the cat inside him …but what’s inside the cat? ??
Yesterday has gone!
Today is now.
Tomorrow is to come.
Make the most of today!
Today is the day it all begins…
Breath, air, wind, flow. Silence has arrived in the dappled shade.
I see animals in the clouds and faces in the leaves. Stop, look and be amazed at what you see!
Listen to the rustle of the trees with a sigh under the desk! Now peaceful and tranquil, until the wind blows and the music crescendos.
I see a green field with green trees, blue sky and sunshine.
There is a huge octopus coming towards me and I don’t know what to do. It is green.
The toad licked his tongue and farted loudly – this speech was the longest he’d ever done.
With speech comes understanding. Breaking wind was not a speech, but the octopus didn’t know that. She tried to converse with the toad but the toad farted again and hopped away. However the octopus was just about to be interrupted by an incoming knight with a lion crested shield and a dragon glass sword.
The knight challenged the octopus to a dual, the octopus accepted the offer and
The Octopus swept up her front tentacle, wrapped it around the knight’s head and snapped it clean off. Turns out the octopus is a god and cannot be destroyed.
The toad returned to see the mess.
The toad examining the mess, looked at the octopus fearfully – the octopus in turn, looked down, unfurling the tentacle that had so easily decapitated the knight.
“Shall we talk?” the octopus asks, turning away.
The toad, placing the octopus under arrest, held a ceremony in the knight’s honour. After this he jumped on the train to sweetie land, where everything is made from sweets and chocolate.
The sweetness and richness of the taste of the confectionary caused the poor toad to feel quite nauseous! Clutching his stomach, he stumbled blindly towards the darkness of the liquorice tress in the forest – where suddenly he saw…
“I am kitty and I like cats and animals. We are all animals.”
A sneeze, a wheeze, a breeze through the trees blows a washing line of wonder as the two friends loose themselves in the ark of magic and nature and then…
A Cat lives the life it’s given, asks for nothing but food and love. Enjoys the sun and when winter comes, it enjoys the fire. Be more cat!!!
The price of peace is forgiveness.
Today I came, I saw, I enjoyed… everything!
I murdered my brother today. Try and find all of his body parts. Good Luck!
And I would like to murder my husband!
Love nature all the time. I love my two granddaughters very much and my two daughters.
Fairies live in the woods and they have all your baby teeth! Try to find all your milk teeth in the forest!
I love lord of the rings so much. Jim the cat was sitting on a char and it fell apart.
God is great, people are amazing. From Lydia to God.
She leaned the hand that, being lent on, was too much for her poor tired shoulders. Too much to bear. Not enough air.
But still the sun shone and the wind blew. She was so thin it could topple her.
So she went to get a good dinner and a pint in the pub. She made a friend at the bar. His name was Eugene.
The lights went out and she fumbled in the dark – she found a cold hand.
Grasping the hand she followed its frozen length to a pale arm, which was, attached at the shoulder, to a broken fridge. The fridge door was slightly ajar, but did she dare look inside? The smell of death was choking her against the sound of the jukebox in the other room…
I sit at the desk. I see the trees. I hear the breeze. The sun is out. I feel it’s warmth. It feels good to be here. Thank you for this moment.
Staring out across the field from this sheltered place she became aware of movement to the right, just behind the large tree you can see there. Suddenly there was the sound of men shouting and horses galloping. She looked again at the tree and saw a man, a dishevelled man, standing there breathing heavily. he held a finger to his lips, She nodded and smiled and he tipped his hat to her. She looked out again and saw the departing men and horses – they did not see her, intent in their pursuit. When she looked back again, the man had gone.
In his place stood a gate that had not been there before. The woman climbed over the hedge and approached the gate, through which a gentle aroma of jasmine and roses reached her nostrils, filling them with a heady scent. She started to feel sleep descend. First kneeling then laying down, she drifted into a dreamy sleep. Was it a dream or was it real? Something came out of the gate. A shape, possibly human. It picked her up and took her back through the gate.
Her vision filled with fog. After a minute or two, still being carried, the fog lifted. They were at the top of a snowy mountain. She looked around to see who had hold of her and stared right into the face of a yeti….
Then the yeti ate the vision all up and he pooped it out.
Safe in the knowledge a piece of them would remain with him – maybe it’s soft voice or its force of will.
He had a dog and cat, these were best friends, but they broke up, these friends and fell in to the river and they loved swimming.
And both of them fell in love with a dog and cat and they lived with the dog and cat and had a baby.
Almighty, I am that I am.
How still are the trees, the calm silence and only the beautiful melody from the birds. Are you nesting, Lord?
How wonderful you are in all of Creation to allow such peacefulness amongst us. This is your preference and love, I know, and I am grateful Lord. Only you, the almighty, can change this to the howling harsh whispering of the trees that silences the birds. I am so grateful for your presence, lord. Thank you. Amen. Child of God!
“I need food” said God.

What if none of us had cognitive dissonance, none of us lived in echo
chambers, we still all had different thoughts, opinions and beliefs but we didn’t hide things from ourselves for a false sense of comfort, we chose to be as self aware as possible and looking from all different angles and perspectives, what if we chose to die to ourselves daily, what would the world be like then?
Life is a time to grow, a time to enjoy, it’s for ups and downs. It’s for love and hope, its to be happy and sad, angry and excited, anxious and relaxed, its for calmness.
Why not just be silent and enjoy…
Life! Be what you want to be, do what you want to do. Be happy!
Listen to all the happy sounds, children playing, church bells, the dog welcoming his master or mistress home.
Sometimes to be happy one must do things one does not wish to do…no baby or house would be clean if one did not have the resolve and self discipline to complete such tasks but doing them has great rewards and contributes to a happy life!
A Proper Story.
The storm was coming, an ever darkening stillness pervaded the air. The insects knew and all was quiet…What happens next?
“The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening; the smaller the doubt, the smaller the awakening. No doubt, no awakening” C.C Chang.
A dog had a bone, he ran off. Then he went in a river. The end.
Once upon a time a boy and a girl came across a desk. The girl sat in the chair and began to write a story. The boy stood and looked over her shoulder wondering what that story might be…
“It was an unusual morning for noone in particular until the mouse sneezed. Achoo!”
“Mmm” wondered the girl. ‘What’s next’
‘I know’ said the boy
“The force of the mouse’s sneeze shot him backwards, all the way through the woods until he hit a
The crocodile gasped in horror and ate the mouse in one bite. The mouse was gruesomely killed and the crocodile enjoyed the taste of it’s blood.
“No!” said the girl, I don’t want the mouse to die”.
“A bird flew past and the feather tickled the crocodile’s nose. It was a croc’s turn to sneeze.
The mouse shot out of the crocodile’s nose and back into the drawer of this very desk.
The end.
The end, that’s the sentence that is placed at the end of a story, but not with this one. This is just the beginning.
The end began with the day they were walking in the dead of night past the tree with the tiny glowing eyes.
Their imaginations ran wild with thoughts of the creature that could be behind those two read lights.
Was it kind and friendly or did it want to eat me? I didn’t wait to find out but tiptoed through the woods to find the person who had summoned me – what did they want? We they aliens from another planet or just from Suffolk?